ICT in Language Teaching 2023/2024

Welcome to the E-Learning of ICT in Language Learning Course


ICT in Language Learning is a mandatory course that is worth 4 credits offered in even-numbered semesters. Students are recommended to take this course in their fourth semesters. In this course, students will receive theoretical input through discussion, speeches, as well as practice designing teaching media using mainstream technology. Topics studied in this course include understanding autonomous learning in language teaching, exploring the use of mobile devices for autonomous learning in language teaching, promoting autonomous learning in language teaching using videos, and designing autonomy in language teaching through video creation.

Material Design 2023/2024

This course aims to prepare future teachers with the ability to develop English as a Foreign Language (EFL) and second language (ESL) teaching materials and media. In this course, students will perform activities such as understanding the concepts of designing teaching materials and media, analyzing the materials/media of language teaching, and developing their own material/media in the form of a text book. This course is done using project-based learning, and will require the students to develop a text book as a final task. 

Education and Teaching Practices (KP 141) 2023/2024

Dear beloved students,

 We hope that you all are fine, as always. Amen!

 In this 14th Meeting, you will discuss materials regarding  “Lesson Study as a Collaborative Type of Teacher Professional Development” with your group after watching the videos available in the following links attentively!



Having completed the discussion study the attached assignment attentively to write an individual paper entitled "Teacher Professional Development". See the suggested rules as a guide for your writing work. Good Luck!

Language Assessment and Evaluation 2023/2024

Course Description

This course provides a broad overview on second/foreign language assessment and evaluation. The course examines the theoretical base of language assessment and evaluation, the principles of developing language assessment, item analysis, grading and scoring, interpreting the results of assessment and evaluation as well as designing assessment for four language skills which include speaking, listening, reading and writing. It provides students with theoretical foundation of language assessment and evaluation as well as practical experience in examining available tests and designing language assessment.


Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course, students should be able to (1) link their experience in taking language tests with available theories, (2) be critical in examining available test items, (3) developing assessment for speaking, reading, writing and listening as well as (4) providing an alternative option for standardized national examination.


Grading System

1. Hard Skills

a. Quizzes and Discussion Forum                     15 %

b. Presentation                                                 10 %

c. Tests for Receptive Skills                              20 %

d. Tests for Productive Skills                            20 %

e. Alternative Assessment                                15 %

2. Soft Skills                                                    20 %

Discipline, Classroom Participation, Empathy and Trustworthiness

Issues in Language Teaching and Learning 2023/2024

Course Overview: 

This course is designed to provide opportunities for the students of English Education Department to develop an awareness of the issues in language teaching and learning. Then, the students are given opportunities to analyze the issues of their choice by reading, selecting, and analyzing journal articles related to the issues that the students are interested in.

Specifically, this course will assist students to:

  1. Identify the problems in Language teaching and learning
  2. Read and comprehend journal articles on various issues in language teaching and learning
  3. Present/report journal article(s) of the students’ interests
  4. Analyze journal articles related to the problems in language teaching and learning  of the students’ interests in the form of an annotated bibliography
  5. Present the annotated bibliography

Entrepreneurship 2023/2024

After completing this course, students are expected to have an understanding of entrepreneurship so that it can motivate and inspire them to be entrepreneurs. This course consists of a fundamental theory of entrepreneurship, which includes: (1) characteristics of entrepreneurs, (2) self-potential analysis, (3) ideation through design thinking process, and (4) business plan


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