Computer Literacy (Offline) 2024/2025
Welcome to the online course of Computer Literacy Offline
Course Guide
Course Name: Computer Literacy Offline
Course Code: KU 211
Course Credit: 2 SKS
Semester: Odd/1st Semester
Academic Year: 2024/2025
a. Contact Hours
2 credits (100 minutes/1.40 minutes) for each meeting
b. Course Description
Computer literacy can be defined as familiarity with, understanding of, and ability to use computers and related technology efficiently. It ranges from learning the basics of how computers work to developing the practical competencies to use computers for different purposes. In particular, the subject covers competent use of the main computer applications, including Word processing (Microsoft Office Word), spreadsheets (Microsoft Office Excel), and PowerPoint (Microsoft Office PowerPoint).
This course is offered in the odd semester for second-year students, specifically the third-semester students, as a mandatory course with a weight of 2 credits (SKS). The students should have the opportunity to take this course as a form of “literacy” in the 21st century and later become functional professionals in our modern world.
c. Course General Objectives
Students are also guided to be able to create projects related to making documents, including letters, preparing academic material presentations, creating attendance sheets and assessment forms, as well as designing and developing interactive learning media.
d. Course Topics
The Computer Literacy Offline Course will cover the following topics of discussion, including:
- Word Processing with Microsoft Office Word
- Spreadsheet with Microsoft Office Excel
- Presentation with Microsoft PowerPoint
- Interactive Learning Media with PowerPoint
e. Course Learning Outcomes (Hard Skills)
On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:
- Demonstrate proficiency in using features of Microsoft Office Word to create documents. (C1)
- Exemplify the use of features in Microsoft Office Excel to create documents in Excel format. (C2)
- Exemplify the use of features in Microsoft Office PowerPoint to create presentation slides. (C2)
- Use animation, sound effects, hyperlinks, and Macros features in Microsoft Office PowerPoint to design interactive media. (C3)
f. Specific Objectives (Soft skills)
Students are expected to be:
- Actively participating in a classroom discussion, asking questions, answering question(s), and responding to any idea(s).
- Cooperative with his/her team member(s) in accomplishing tasks given.
- Responsible for his/herself to come to the class on time and to submit assessments on the agreed schedule.
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